Sunday, January 24, 2010

150 Words on Amulet of Vigor

Amulet of Vigor

WOW! Isn't this card just insane? Yes, yes it is! With this Amulet on the battlefield, your Shards of Alara Tri-lands aren't slow. You don't have to pay two life to play your Ravnica Shock Land. Imagine, Turn one, Amulet of Vigor, turn 2, Misty Rainforest. Sacrifice it then search for a Breeding pool and cast a Farseek and search for a Temple Garden then play a Noble Hierarch and pass the turn. You know effectively have 5 mana on turn 3. Say your opponent Path to Exile's your Baneslayer Angel. You search for a basic land and it comes into play... UNTAPPED! This card also makes 5 colour decks work faster in type 2 now. Imagine the power of valakut! Where does this card really shine? In any deck! I highly recommend picking up 4 of this artefact as it won't stay at $3.99 very long.




That's all for now, stay tuned for more 150 word articles on Worldwake Cards.


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