Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Thoughts On Current Standard Metagame (includes decks)


Up to this date there has been a number of standard and tournaments, as well, Extended PTQ season has begun! Today I am going to talk about standard! So let’s get started!

Before the recent Star City Games 10k the standard metagame has been stale and boring... I believe LSV changed my opinion on that this past weekend, finishing first with his power house, All American Control also known as UWR Control. LSV Battled through a sea of Jund and Control taking home the entire tournament! Check out LSV’s Article here! He knows more about the deck than I do so I suggest you take the time to read it!

As you can see, this deck is powerful! It runs no targetable creatures in the maindeck then brings in Baneslayers to punish your opponent in games 2 and 3. If you are in doubt about a standard deck then play this! You can also check out the rest of the top 16 here.

This is LSV’s deck.

3 Sphinx Of Jwar Isle
4 wall of Denial

4 flashfreeze
2 earthquake
2 mindspring
2 divination
2 Jace Beleren
4 Lightning Bolt
2 Path to exile
4 spreading seas
3 Ajani Vengent
2 double negative

4 scalding tarn
4 arid mesa
4 glacial fortress
4 senjiri refuge
4 plains
4 island
2 mountain


4 baneslayer angel
3 luminarch Assension
1 cancel
1 oblivion ring
2 mind control
2 essence scatter
2 negate

After discovering how good sphinx of the jwar isle was I got brainstorming a deck and a few hours past...

YES! I got it! Bant Ramp! Why not just play the 8 best creatures in T2 and some ramp and removal? After I saw the Magical Christmas Land deck That Conely did so well with at worlds I wanted to play the same ramp engine but then just play the best creatures! So I got thinking, and this is what I came up With!




4 Lotus Cobra
4 harrow
4 khali heart expedition


4 Sphinx of jwar isle
4 baneslayer angel
3 rampaging baloths


4 day of judgment
4 path to exile
2 oblivion rings

4 wall of denial

4 misty rainforest
2 marshflats
2 scalding tarn
1 arid mesa
4 seaside cidital
4 forest
3 plains
3 island

4 wall of reverence
2 oblivion ring
1 planar cleasing
3 world queller
4 great sable stag
1 celestial purge

This deck could be extremely powerful, although I have not tested it very much it seems like it has positive matchups against the key decks, It seems to be lacking in the control matchup which may be a problem...

Remember, Check out for great prices on magic cards and you can even organize your decks on this site! It is a must see website!


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