Sunday, January 10, 2010


Hello! Today I will be talking about my extended deck of choice, Big Zoo. The deck is very good versus the main part of the metagame, it beats: Zoo, Rubin Zoo, Tezzeret, Mono Red and Scapeshift. It has a fair match against Dredge and the other decks. You can find the list in a very good format here. Other wise, here is the deck.


4 Baneslayer Angel
4 tarmogoyf
4 knight of the reliquary
4 wild nactl
4 noble hiearch

4 bant charm
4 path to exile
4 lightning bolt
3 lightning helix

2 umezawa's jitte

4 misty rainforest
4 arid mesa
4 scalding tarn
2 stomping ground
2 temple garden
1 sacred foundry
1 steam vents
1 hallowed fountain
1 treetop village
1 forest
1 plains
1 island

4 meddling mage
3 gaddock teeg
3 negate
4 tormods crypt
1 ghost quarter

Again, check out the deck here for better format and card rulings. So, the first thing you may notice is the blue splash for Bant Charm, meddling mage and negate. Truth is, Bantcharm wrecks so many decks and has so many options. It can kill a guy, It can protect baneslayer, it can shut down Tezzeret. It fairs quite well against Affinity too! The deck packs so much removal that it is hard for zoo to keep creatures on the board. Besides your dudes are bigger most of the time. Against red you have Bant Charm for blood moon, removal for there guys Jitte and baneslayer for life gain. Tezzeret is a hard game one since you have so many dead cards but when you take out bolts and helixs for mages and teegs the table turns heavily in your favour! you also get negate post board too! Dark depths is actually quite a hard match up, I would try putting in some more ghost quarters, maybe one main deck? Against Scapeshift again game one is hard but teegs, mages and negates should get you there! For Rubin Zoo? Well you have way more removal, as for side boarding... I would maybe bring in negates for protection. Against zoo you want to have the last creature and Jitte is quite good versus them too! Here is a quick sideboard plan for each match up... I'm not going to go to in depth as of now but hopefully this will help you out.


IN: 4 Meddling Mage, 3 Gaddock Teeg, 3 Negate
Out: 4 Lightning bolt, 3 lightning helix, 3 path to exile

This really turns the match up in your favour... remember... they will likely have baneslayer so hold a bant charm for it is quite good (also the reason one path stays in) Beat them down with treetop village if you have the chance.

IN: 4 Meddling Mage, 3 Gaddock Teeg, 3 Negate
Out: same as Tezzeret.

this just destroys scapeshift, you should have more answers to there combo then they to to your answers.


IN: 2 negate
Out: I really don't know... this match up is almost preboarded but having some protection from removal is always nice.


no board... you should win easily.

Dark Depths

same as Tezzeret and +1 ghost quarter -1 Jitte


-4 bant charm - 4 path to exile - 3 helix

+4 tormod`s crypt +3 TEEG +4 Mage

hate them out!


Keep the same!

This deck is so good against everything and the sideboard is amazing! It just destroys most decks!

Check out!

Thanks for reading, stay tuned for the next post in which i will be talking about extended in general!


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