Wednesday, January 6, 2010



Today is just a short Entry on goal setting in magic. With 2010 comes worldwake and an Extended PTQ season. At the start of the year I tend to set a few goals for my up coming year of magic. This year my goal is to Go to as many tournaments as I can (FNM, not included). Since lately I haven't been participating in big tournaments such as PTQs and regionals and stuff like that I want to start this year. I also would like to Top 3 as many FNM's as I can and continue to build rouge decks. It is important not to make your goals unreachable though. If you set the bar to high you may be mad at your self for not completing your goals. This year no matter if you play casual or competitive I encourage you to set a few goals for your self. Anyways that is all I want to talk about goals today so I will give you some more tips to improve your game.

1) Test as much as you can before going into events, it is hard to play in a tournament with a deck you haven't played at all. If playing a deck you find online or that won a tourney remember... their decks are tuned to beat that specific metagame and your meta could be different. For instance, Jund is not heavily played where I am so moved flash freeze to the sideboard and replaced them with cards like essence scatter and negate.

2) It is important to get feedback on your decks. So share them with your friends or post them on , it really helps.

If you have some Christmas money that needs to be spent I have decided to give you a list of cards that you should pick up or trade for.

#1 Baneslayer Angel- This card is broken. It is a powerful creature that almost every T2 deck plays 4 of and the price will only get higher so get them well you can.

#2 Sphinx Of Jwar Isle This card is very good and will probably raise to about $8 by the end of the standard season. And when it becomes time for block, look out this will be insane.

Those two cards are going to play a huge part in the T2 meta.

Extended season is starting and I believe these are the viable decks.

Rubin Zoo, Bant, Tezzeret, Scapeshift, Burn, Dark Depths, DREDGE, ZOO, Hypergenisis, Rock. I am currently playing Dredge (the deck is just insane and you win so easily even with all the hate... you just play through it.) my backup decks are Bant and Rubin Zoo...

Anyways... I am done for now. I will be talking about Extended next time. If you haven't already posted decks on I suggest you do it is very helpful!

Thank you for reading,

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