Saturday, January 23, 2010

Making The Best Deck... BETTER!


Today, I am talking about Jund. So if you are a Jund hater, be prepared to be hated back! The reason Jund has stayed on top for so long is because no one really knew how to beat it. But all that has changed recently, when Spreading Seas was put into every deck that plays blue Jund has suddenly not been so good. Lets think of some ways that we can tune Jund to beat Seas.

Most decks simply use seas to slow down Jund, this makes Jund decks that play Rampart Growth may be better. Although growth is good... Harrow is just way better. They "Spread" your Savage Land? Just sac it to harrow and grab two more lands. They play a kicked Goblin Ruinblaster? Just sac the land they targeted and go search for two more basics! Say you have savage Lands, Mountain, Swamp out with Harrow in hand, your opponent has Crumbling Necropolis, Mountain, Island, Swamp out and is casting a Goblin Ruinblaster with kicker in response to the Ruinblaster you cast harrow and sac your Savage Lands, now you have no non basics and your opponent has to destroy one of his own lands! Congratulations! Jund has yet another 2 for 1!

Now, What would the correct jund list be? Probably Siege Gang Commanders and Broodmate Dragons backed up by Blightning, Bloddbraid Elf, and Thrinax. With a removal sweet of Bit-Blast, Terminate, Lightning Bolt and Maelstrom Pulse.

A Jund list could look something like this:

3 Broodmate Dragon
4 Seige-Gang Commander
4 Bloodbraid Elf
4 Sprouting Thrinax

3 Harrow
2 Rampart Growth
4 Blightning
3 Bit-Blast
2 Terminate
3 Maelstrom Pulse
4 Lightning bolt

4 Savage Lands
4 Rootbound Craig
3 Dragonskull Summit
4 verdant catacombs
3 swamp
3 mountain
3 forest

Side Board

2 Terminate
3 Malakir Bloodwitch
4 Mind Rot
2 jund charm
4 Goblin Ruinblaster

This deck is by no means tuned to perfection. But it is something to mess around with. Make it on Magic Workstation or MODO and at least try it.

Check out It is a great Website!

Until next time...


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