Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My Extended Deck for PTQ London Ontario.

Hello, today I will be talking briefly about my Extended weapon of choice. Expect a tournament report in the near future but as of now I will Quickly run yo through the deck. Without further ado, here is my list:

The Beast

Main Deck:
2 Jace, the Mind Sculptor
4 Tarmogoyf
1 Tezzeret the Seeker

1 Chalice of the Void
2 Chrome Mox
2 Cryptic Command
1 Day of Judgment
3 Engineered Explosives
3 Gifts Ungiven
1 Life from the Loam
4 Mana Leak
1 Muddle the Mixture
3 Path to Exile
1 Sword of the Meek
4 Thirst for Knowledge
2 Thopter Foundry
1 Wrath of God

1 Academy Ruins
2 Breeding Pool
2 Celestial Colonnade
1 Forest
2 Ghost Quarter
2 Hallowed Fountain
1 Island
4 Misty Rainforest
1 Plains
2 Scalding Tarn
2 Stirring Wildwood
1 Temple Garden
3 Tolaria West

3 Baneslayer Angel
2 Bant Charm
1 Chalice of the Void
1 Echoing Truth
1 Engineered Explosives
1 Into the Roil
1 Loxodon Hierarch
3 Tormod's Crypt
2 Vendilion Clique

Alright, so the main win condition for the deck is to assemble the Thopter Foundry, Sword of The Meek Combo and winning that way. However, Thing don't always go the way they are planned, and that is where win condition number 2, Tarmogoyf, comes into play. If your opponent manages to disrupt your combo game one you will still have enough power to grind it out with Goyf and man lands (Celestial Colonnade and Stirring Wildwood). Even if that fails I have won countless games with Jace, the Mind Sculptor simply by exiling their library! Jace's fateseel one ability is so powerful (maybe even more so than brainstorm!). I have played a number of games against Zoo where he was in top deck mode and wasn't doing anything to exciting. But when I peel jace and slap him to play against hellbent opponent things are not looking good for him/her. If you look at the top card of their library and say "you're good" or "I'm going to keep that one on top" Chances are when you untap again things won't be looking any better for them. You control what they draw until you just go Ultimate and exile their deck. I have done just that more than 3 times against both Zoo and Dark Thopter! 3 Gifts Ungiven are here to search out the combo or just stuff you need. For example the gifts pile for the combo will always look like this: Academy Ruins, Life from the Loam, Thopter Foundry, Sword of The Meek. This will insure you that you will at one point get the combo running. Also you can put your opponent in an "Explosive Lock". This works very well against Zoo and other creature strategies. The lock is simply Engineered Explosives, Academy Ruins and at least 5 other lands. What you do is cast explosives; your opponent plays a guy sac the explosives then use ruins ability to bring the explosives back on top. You essentially draw explosives every turn and answer to everything your opponent plays! But be careful since an explosive for 2 will destroy your combo pieces. The rest of the deck is just removal and disruption. This deck is extremely powerful and capable of insane locks and combos. Although it is extremely hard to pilot, with enough play testing it can very well be the most powerful deck in the extended format! Stay tuned for a Tournament report, Side board tips and more! Remember, check out www.mtgfanatic.com and keep playing magic!


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